Exchanges and returns
Weis Spain offers you the possibility of returning your purchase within 30 calendar days following confirmation of delivery of the product.
The logistics costs arising from the return will be borne by Weis España if it is a shipping error, otherwise, the costs will be borne by the customer.
To process a return, exchange or refund please CLICK HERE with your order and your email address or mobile number. It is essential that the product, its accessories and accompanying documentation are in perfect condition and contained in their original packaging. It is your responsibility to properly package the product to avoid possible damage during transport.
Once we receive the return shipment, our staff will check that everything is in the same condition in which it was sent and will proceed to exchange or refund the value of the returned products within 10 business days following confirmation, all in accordance with the payment method you chose when making your purchase (credit card, bank transfer, etc.)
Personalized or custom-made products are not guaranteed for exchanges or returns.
For more information please contact us at
The logistics costs arising from the return will be borne by Weis España if it is a shipping error, otherwise, the costs will be borne by the customer.
To process a return, exchange or refund please CLICK HERE with your order and your email address or mobile number. It is essential that the product, its accessories and accompanying documentation are in perfect condition and contained in their original packaging. It is your responsibility to properly package the product to avoid possible damage during transport.
Once we receive the return shipment, our staff will check that everything is in the same condition in which it was sent and will proceed to exchange or refund the value of the returned products within 10 business days following confirmation, all in accordance with the payment method you chose when making your purchase (credit card, bank transfer, etc.)
Personalized or custom-made products are not guaranteed for exchanges or returns.
For more information please contact us at